Component-wise matrix multiplication

mat2 matrixCompMult(mat2 x, mat2 y)  
mat3 matrixCompMult(mat3 x, mat3 y)  
mat4 matrixCompMult(mat4 x, mat4 y)

The matrixCompMult function returns a matrix resulting from a component-wise multiplication. The function has two input parameters of the type floating point matrix and returns a matrix of the same type. The indices of the returned matrix are calculated as follows: zij = xij yij

Side note: This is NOT the matrix multiplication known from linear algebra. To obtain the "normal" matrix multiplication the ordinary multiplication operator symbol is used: z = x y


Less than comparison

bvec2 lessThan(vec2 x, vec2 y)  
bvec3 lessThan(vec3 x, vec3 y)
bvec4 lessThan(vec4 x, vec4 y)  

bvec2 lessThan(ivec2 x, ivec2 y)  
bvec3 lessThan(ivec3 x, ivec3 y)  
bvec4 lessThan(ivec4 x, ivec4 y)

The lessThan function returns a boolean vector as result of a component-wise comparison in the form of xi < yi. The function has two input parameters of the type floating point vector or signed integer vector.

Less than or equal comparison

bvec2 lessThanEqual(vec2 x, vec2 y)  
bvec3 lessThanEqual(vec3 x, vec3 y)  
bvec4 lessThanEqual(vec4 x, vec4 y)  

bvec2 lessThanEqual(ivec2 x, ivec2 y)  
bvec3 lessThanEqual(ivec3 x, ivec3 y)  
bvec4 lessThanEqual(ivec4 x, ivec4 y)

The lessThanEqual function returns a boolean vector as result of a component-wise comparison in the form of xi <= yi. The function has two input parameters of the type floating point vector or signed integer vector.

Greater than comparison

bvec2 greaterThan(vec2 x, vec2 y)  
bvec3 greaterThan(vec3 x, vec3 y)  
bvec4 greaterThan(vec4 x, vec4 y)  

bvec2 greaterThan(ivec2 x, ivec2 y)  
bvec3 greaterThan(ivec3 x, ivec3 y)  
bvec4 greaterThan(ivec4 x, ivec4 y)

The greaterThan function returns a boolean vector as result of a component-wise comparison in the form of xi > yi. The function has two input parameters of the type floating point vector or signed integer vector.

Greater than or equal comparison

bvec2 greaterThanEqual(vec2 x, vec2 y)  
bvec3 greaterThanEqual(vec3 x, vec3 y)  
bvec4 greaterThanEqual(vec4 x, vec4 y)  

bvec2 greaterThanEqual(ivec2 x, ivec2 y)  
bvec3 greaterThanEqual(ivec3 x, ivec3 y)  
bvec4 greaterThanEqual(ivec4 x, ivec4 y)

The greaterThanEqual function returns a boolean vector as result of a component-wise comparison in the form of xi >= yi. The function has two input parameters of the type floating point vector or signed integer vector.

Equal comparison

bvec2 equal(vec2 x, vec2 y)  
bvec3 equal(vec3 x, vec3 y)  
bvec4 equal(vec4 x, vec4 y)  

bvec2 equal(ivec2 x, ivec2 y)  
bvec3 equal(ivec3 x, ivec3 y)  
bvec4 equal(ivec4 x, ivec4 y)

The equal function returns a boolean vector as result of a component-wise comparison in the form of xi = yi. The function has two input parameters of the type floating point vector or signed integer vector.

Not equal comparison

bvec2 notEqual(vec2 x, vec2 y)  
bvec3 notEqual(vec3 x, vec3 y)  
bvec4 notEqual(vec4 x, vec4 y)  

bvec2 notEqual(ivec2 x, ivec2 y)  
bvec3 notEqual(ivec3 x, ivec3 y)  
bvec4 notEqual(ivec4 x, ivec4 y)

The notEqual function returns a boolean vector as result of a component-wise comparison in the form of xi != yi. The function has two input parameters of the type floating point vector or signed integer vector.

Any evaluation

bool any(bvec2 x)  
bool any(bvec3 x)  
bool any(bvec4 x)

The any function returns a boolean value as result of the evaluation whether any component of the input vector is TRUE. The function has one input parameters of the type boolean vector.

All evaluation

bool all(bvec2 x)  
bool all(bvec3 x)  
bool all(bvec4 x)

The all function returns a boolean value as result of the evaluation whether all components of the input vector are TRUE. The function has one input parameters of the type boolean vector.

Not evaluation

 bvec2 not(bvec2 x)  
 bvec3 not(bvec3 x)  
 bvec4 not(bvec4 x)

The not function returns a boolean vector as result of a component-wise logical complement operation. The function has one input parameters of the type boolean vector.